The following PULSE Lab abstracts have been accepted for presentation during the 2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) to be held September 3-8, 2023 in Montreal, Canada.
- Demonstrating the Impact of Wavelength and Skin Tone on Photoacoustic Breast Imaging to be presented by Guilherme S. Pilotto Fernandes in the Poster session “A2P-17: MPA-P: Clinical Applications of Photoacoustic Imaging” on Sep 4, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM EDT
- Real-Time Coherence Imaging of Suspicious Breast Masses to be presented by Arunima Sharma in the Lecture session “C1L-01: MIM: Novel Applications of Ultrasound Imaging” on Sep 6, 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM EDT
- Application of CohereNet to Photoacoustic Data for Non-Invasive in Vivo Subcutaneous Imaging to be presented by José Antonio Timaná Torres in the Poster session “C2P-20: MPA-P: Photoacoustic Image Processing” on Sep 6, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM EDT
Congrats to Arunima, Guilherme, and José!
In addition to co-authoring the above publications:
- Prof. Bell will chair the session “MIS: Imaging” on Sep 7, 1:45 PM to 3:15 PM EDT
- Prof. Bell will deliver an invited talk at the IEEE IUS 2023 AI in Ultrasonics Satellite Symposium on Friday, Sep 8 at 8:30 AM EDT
Symposium website: https://2023.ieee-ius.org/
(This post was updated on September 4, 2023)