
EN.520.146.01 — Introduction to Medical Imaging

  • Fall 2024 — new course

520.432.01 / 580.472.01 / 520.632.01 — Medical Imaging Systems

EN.520.631.01 — Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Beamforming

  • Spring 2024
  • Spring 2022 (back to fully in person)
  • Spring 2021 (fully online)
  • Spring 2020 (1/2 in person, 1/2 online)
  • Spring 2019
  • Spring 2018
  • Fall 2016 — new course

EN.580.684.01 — Ultrasound Imaging: Theory and Applications

  • Spring 2014 — new course

EN.600.146.01 — Introduction to Medical Imaging

  • Intersession 2016
  • Intersession 2013

Interactive Online Course

Introduction to Medical Imaging*

*Disclosure: Prof. Bell’s participation in this activity was as a paid contributor for Udemy, Inc. All opinions expressed and implied in this activity are solely those of Prof. Bell and do not represent or reflect the views of the Johns Hopkins University or the Johns Hopkins Health System.